Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Close, But No Cigar

Sometimes I make large pieces that just refuse to talk to me but I stubbornly insist on continuing with them. They come home and Susan takes one look at them and says "That one is going outside in the back yard or the trash can, your choice."

After I pout and whine for a while and desperately try to defend the piece, I accept the inevitable: the piece sucks. Big time.

Susan tries to placate me by telling me it's not a failure, it's a "learning experience". That sucks, too. Big time. But she and I took the piece and started fooling around with acrylic paints and inks and stamps and all sorts of junk because obviously there was no reason for it to be "precious". And the end result was some interesting color combinations that I'll try in the future on pieces I decide to paint instead of glaze.

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