Sunday, January 29, 2012

Oliver, The Articulated Man

Oliver is an articulated man who is about 20" tall.  He's named after my next-door neighbor's dog, Oliver, who likes to come visit me when I'm working in my garage.

For the record, here on Day 29 Susan has faithfully filled up bag #29 with Stuff. This time it was a lot of beat-up old kitchen stuff. Do we really need 3 sets of measuring cups? The frightening thing is that she's promised me once she finishes her Day 30 with bag #30 she is going to start up with a new set of 30 bags in my garage workshop. Help!!!


  1. This is a wonderful piece, is it ceramic?

  2. Ah, I love Oliver. His feet look like mine :) I'm all set to start my 29 in 29 in 3 days. I've been listing ideas -- because I don't want to be panicking at the last minute. Lol.

  3. Love the 30 in 30 and will start when I get back to DC after 2 weeks in FL helping Mom sell her house here. Love Oliver! Cant wait to see what you do with the curlers and other treasures, and don't let Susan near them!

  4. Oh Oliver is WONDERFUL!!! You must be so delighted with him. As for the 30 bags ....... I clean forgot ..... err .. forgot to clean?


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