Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pod Peeps

I really get a kick out of making these Pod People or Penguin People or whatever you think they are. The ones above are high-fire glazed, each piece is less than 7" high.  The pieces below have been subjected to the raku glaze and firing and didn't turn out quite as successfully as I would have liked.  Shape and glaze, yes, but markings, no. I wanted a weathered, textured look and although I got the technique sort of correct I didn't "edit" down the texture markings the way I should have. I like raku firing because the results are relatively immediate, I enjoy the pieces that come out the way I want and take the other pieces as just another part of a learning experience. 


  1. The top ones seem poised for adventure while the bottom ones give the impression that they are wise old souls. Just my opinion :-)

  2. I like these pieces very much; the bottom set are so like distracted parents and their child looking outward for adventure :)

  3. The simple forms allows for such subtle textured surfaces.. lovely.

  4. "I didn't "edit" down the texture markings the way I should have."- Could you come up with some tips how to make markings on the bisque fired pieces for raku firing? tomorow (haha) is my firs raku day. Im googling like mad for some tips beforehand to be PREPARED. Can't find any... only many finished examples, which are nice... but I'm really interested in doing the actual glazing with bold black and white lines...


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