Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Where's Don?

Perhaps you were wondering why my blog posts have been so infrequent. Or maybe you didn't notice! The reality of it is that my Blog Wrangler and I have been getting ready to move. Stuff is everywhere and I have no idea where in the Everywhere anything is. These are some of the boxes we've put in storage at our new place because the new place isn't ready yet but the miracle of a potentially quick house sale set things rolling faster than we had EVER planned. We'll still be in Austin. More details once we actually get settled.

You probably won't see any posts for about a month, even though I have pictures of about 10 different pieces I have made. My Wrangler has said if it doesn't involve figuring out how to move from a house of 2700+ square feet (plus my garage studio) into a space that is 1300 square feet, then forget it. 

My New York friends probably think 1300 is big, but then they don't live in Texas, where size does matter.


  1. 1300 sq feet is pretty big in Toronto sizes :)
    I have more than that if you include my leaky basement. I hope that you have studio space. I can't wait to hear more about it. And to see photos? On the blog or in Phoenix! GOOD LUCK. Your boxes look so..... Organized :)

  2. I've been thinking of you both and hoping the packing etc hasn't been too overwhelming. Looking forward to hearing more about your new home and seeing photos of your studio.


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