Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No Bugz

It's very possible you have already seen pictures of this bug I made. If you did, pretend it's new. If you didn't, it's new to you. He is about 18" long. It is one of the few pieces of metal art I made that I brought to Woodchuck Manor.

One of the really great things about Woodchuck Manor is being on the 4th floor and going out on our balcony in the evening and sitting there with NO mosquitos. We gave up a great house on a creek to be here and we sometimes miss it but every night we marvel at what it feels like to be ouside and not hear "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzmmmmm" in your ear within 3 minutes.

I don't weld anymore because I blew out my elbows doing heavy welding without knowing what appropriate ergonomic positions should be. Susan reminds me that it cost me only $1800 of useless therapy and steroid shots to learn that there are some things I should just pass by. Ceramics was the solution but I can still get my metal fix by making very small metal sculptural pieces.

A good thing about having a spouse who sews is that she has a button collection and all bugs can benefit by having button eyes.

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