Saturday, July 21, 2012

Seth Apter

No, this isn't Seth. This is "Keyed-Up Executive With No Place To Go".  We bought him about 20 years ago and unfortunately the place he went to was our estate sale when we moved. Oh well, someone else is enjoying him.

We had to move out of our house in April but couldn't move into our new apartment until May.  What to do for 30+ days???? Actually, it was easy. We hadn't planned on moving for several years so we'd previously set up a short trip to New York City followed by a train ride down to Washington DC for a few days there. You'd have seen our pictures from that trip a lot sooner if Susan had been able to find her camera after we got back.  Let's just say that there are boxes all over the apartment and she is still finding things from that one month in limbo.

As for Seth, we are quite sure we are twin brothers, separated at a tender young age. Isn't it obvious? But remember, I was born first.  We met him at the Museum of Arts and Design on Columbus Circle and Susan took a quick (and lousy) video of us. As you can see, I give my younger brother a tough time.

Seth's book is great, despite the fact that I am in it. And check out his site so you can see other work he has done, including DVDs where you can really soak up his talent.

P.S. I am Don Madden and I approve this message. No animals were harmed in the making of this video. No financial consideration was given for this promotion. (Now you owe me big-time, Seth.)


  1. The Keyed Up Executive would be very welcome in my home. Such a pity it's so far away. I could have sworn I saw a video of the art twins two seconds ago .....

  2. Separated at birth? The evidence is quite compelling! Thanks for the reminder of a great afternoon!

  3. Hey nice blog... Thanks for sharing...


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