Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Planned Chaos

This ceramic piece went to a new home during our estate sale. The metal pieces in the center were just dropped in, sort of like a steampunk bride's bouquet.  The shaping of the ceramic piece was inspired by a great sculptor named Ruth Duckworth.  The glazing didn't come out the way I wanted so Susan told me to throw some paint on it.

Back then I hadn't learned a lot about ceramics and how it was supposed to be done so I did what she suggested.  As I learned more about ceramics and took more classes I stopped doing that because ceramic pieces were "supposed" to be glazed.  I'm now in the process of trying to un-learn what is "supposed" to be done and am planning on going back to more pieces where I do just what I want to do to make it look the way I like - old and worn and covered with patina and stories to tell.

Speaking of stories to tell... Here at Woodchuck Manor we are all "of a certain age". That means we are all O-L-D. Bet  you thought old people in retirement centers sat around in rocking chairs just staring off into space, didn't you? Wrong! We have 24 apartments on the 4th floor and we know how to party. It's BYOB (bring your own booze) and BYOC (bring your own chair) and we meet in the lobby by our elevator about twice a month.  I'd tell you who all these people are but I think some might be in the Witness Protection Program so we'll move on past that.  At the very end of the video a very shady character is insisting on knowing what is in the blue bottle and for your information, it was white wine.


  1. Funny...I've never thought of you as old..... and I'm really wishing I could have been at that estate sale.

  2. Did you save anything for me??? Love the fact that as an artist, once we learn to do something the "right way" we can than feel free to do it "our own" way!!

  3. Just wanted to say that i just found your blog this morning, by falling down a rabbit hole of links on other blogs, and I'm so glad I did! I instantly like you and your wife, and that was the greatest video you posted of the Fourth Floor Party!

    Love your art, and your blog posts are lovely eye candy that I am enjoying while avoiding working on the projects I have before me!


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