Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Texan in New York City, Part 1

We made a very short and spontaneous trip to New York City.
It was bad timing as far as hotel rates - our plane tickets were less than half of the cost of 4 nights in the hotel. But we went anyway.
"What plays did you see?"
None. But we did talk to an aspiring director/sometime actor at lunch in the MOMA.
"What great restaurants did you go to for dinner?"
None. We got take-out from a nearby grocery store.
"What did you do there?"
Museums. Museums. Museums.
Walk. Walk. Walk.

Susan always checks the exhibition schedules of a long list of museums and then tries to prioritize it based on what she thinks are the solid must-sees. Then she trims the list way down because we've learned that about 5-6 hours in a museum, including at least 3 coffee/lunch breaks, is all the visual stimulation we can absorb before our eyes fall out and our brains explode.  Some museums are smaller than other and we can zip through in 2-3 hours. Not so with the MOMA and The Met; 5-6 hours in those big boys just barely scratches the surface.

At the MOMA I wasn't excited about the Century of the Child exhibit but I did manage to sit at the kiddie table for a quick picture, despite the snotty guard who kept insisting "Wait your turn! Wait!" even though we were only the two standing there.

The Alighiero Boetti exhibit was great - I'd never heard of him and was totally surprised by the variations in his work. The real surprise for both of us was The Quay Brothers exhibit. Surprise in that it wasn't even on our list and we didn't plan to look at it but it was next to the cafe so we wandered in. We loved it. Dark, weird, incredibly imaginative stuff that makes you go back and look again from the beginning of the exhibit more than once.

Crowded as the museum gets, you can always find a chair outside in the garden courtyard.

The drawing at the top of the post is my way of keeping track of what we do, a sort of Zentangle journal thing I do at night. More to come.

Susan speaks: Blogging is supposed to be easy. Google, the owner of Blogger, has decided to make things "new and improved". We all know that means trouble. I HATE the new interface and I HATE that they don't give you the option of keeping the old interface. Nothing is simple anymore. Just when I finally found my camera and promised Don I'd do better on the blog wrangling....

1 comment:

  1. Hope you both enjoyed the visit. The map of your travels in the first pic is a brilliant and simple way to remember a trip. Nice!


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