Monday, December 3, 2012

Tweet, Tweet

OK, I'm off on another tangent here.  I can't be satisfied doing ceramics so I move to wood. But then I move back to ceramics. And back to wood. And then ceramics again, until Susan tells me if I don't focus on something, I'll risk be mediocre in a lot of things. Sort of the quality versus quantity problem -- which I'll decide to decide on another day.

For some strange reason I'm into making birds again. The last time I did some was about 3 years ago. I thought the two above came out OK, the one below could have done with a little fine-tuning.  They are raku fired.



  1. I LOVE these birds. So wonderful :)

  2. I am afraid I have to agree with wife Susan.. switching back and forth are like building blocks into towers.. which will get taller (and better)?
    but I do love your birds!

  3. LOVE your raku birds!No fine tuning needed.


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