Friday, January 25, 2013

Giving It Away Again

Just a little "Potato Head" man.

It's been a week and maybe no one has noticed him or maybe they have. I thought he'd have disappeared by now.

This pole is right across the street from my apartment, there is a crosswalk just past it and a bus stop to the right of the pole as seen here.

Some cities have an "Art in Public Places" endeavor. I'd like to think I'm contributing... in a sort of Guerrilla Art way.


  1. I wish my neighbors would put artwork outside for me to find. Hope potatohead man finds a new home soon!

  2. Perhaps "they" think there's a camera watching.

  3. He looks like he belongs there. Folks probably enjoy him being there. But if you want him to move, put a price tag on him and some one will be compelled to steal him.

  4. Love the idea and I love Potato Head. Hey...if you post the address, I just might have to swing by and "find" him myself :-)


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