Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Catching Up

I'm not the only artist here. This is from Susan's sketchbook.  She is the one who taught me how to make maps.

We made our annual winter trek to New York City's museums last month. The week before the big storm. The week that was very, very cold.  We like to go in January because the cold weather keeps the amateurs away.

What else in our lives? I finished reading Gone Girl and gave it a 5-star rating. I'm now halfway into The Dinner and it will be getting a 5-star rating also.  I wish it was possible to give more than 5 stars to the movie Beasts of the Southern Wild. That's a must-see.


  1. In the first image I see smooth pebbles with water eddying around them. A peaceful "map". I hope we're going to see some art photos from your New York trip.

  2. The map image is soothing... in colors I love... I am planning my trip to NYC when it is warmer.. May.


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