Monday, May 20, 2013

Keeping Away the Vampires

If you want to keep vampires away aren't you supposed to wear garlic around your neck? We saw this Garlic Collar by Verena Sieber-Fuchs at the Museum of Arts and Design in NYC. She made this amazing piece by just wiring together garlic peels. Check her website for other things she makes like this, in categories in a language I don't know but the pictures are definitely interesting.

Here's another Give-away here in Austin, at my community college.

I was parked in front of the building very early one morning and put this one up. I went back to my car and read some stuff while I was waiting for class to start. When I looked up about 10 minutes later the Child was already gone!
We watched Flight with Denzel Washington the other night - OK but not great, except for thinking John Goodman is way cool.  He dominated every scene he was in to the point that the other characters become very secondary. 
Susan showed me how to watch a free Amazon preview "tv" pilot show of Alpha House with Goodman in it.  The show was clever (written by Garry Trudeau of Doonesbury fame) and looked interesting enough to make us consider subscribing to Amazon Prime so we can watch the rest of the series -- if it is chosen.  After watching the previews you vote for the shows you want to have continued. They might still be doing this free preview stuff so check out Amazon Prime.
I'm listening to You're Next by Gregg Hurwitz and I'm definitely hooked on this one.  When I finished Before I Go To Sleep I decided I didn't like the ending that much - maybe it was just too girly for me. On Tuesday night I'll be going to hear Peter Heller talk about his book, Dog Stars, which is still a top-rated one for me.
One more image from the Museum, this is tucked into a front corner under the stairs where most people never notice it. Crediting the artist would be a nice touch but I forgot to take a picture of the signage.  My bad.

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