Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ugo, I Go

This is my creepy doll collection. I go to Goodwill and Salvation Army and Savers stores and find the dolls. First thing I do is pull up their dresses to see how the legs are attached. Then pull at their hair to see how the head is made. So far no one has arrested me but Susan tries not to be near me in the store. The inspection is mandatory because you need to know what they are made of and if you can take them apart. The non-plastic ones are the best. If they seem right, I buy them and they undergo serious surgery and a haircut and get added to the collection.

Yes, they will eventually find their way into something, like the figure above. Or, since I consider myself an Artist (with a capital A) maybe they'll just be "My Creepy Doll Installation". The black holders were a 70% off sale Halloween item at Hobby Lobby, they were supposed to be candle holders. I'm going to be watching for more this year.

One of the best parts about traveling is the unexpected. We had no idea this was in Rockefeller Center until we wandered through. Huge. Way cool. Perfect sizing for the site.  Human Nature by Ugo Rondinone.


  1. Don, I love Ugo's work! I've been pinning images of his rock people on Pinterest for a while. How wonderful that you saw them face to face.
    BTW I would also avoid you in the Goodwill store.

  2. Hey, didn't I see you buying some arms and legs at the AU shopping extravaganza yesterday? So that's where they end up!

  3. I always look under their clothes too. Even before demengs classes...oops, did I say that out loud. your work continues to delight


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