Saturday, October 26, 2013

Potato Heads

This Potato Head is half done, he'll get more marks and glaze eventually. These two (below) are finished. They are all about 2-3 inches high.

My latest test tiles. I keep making them so I'll know what effect glazes and underglazes will have. Then I'll totally ignore them and do something different, something I've never done before. And I won't document what I did. That will be the piece that Susan says, "Perfect glaze! Do some more like that." And of course I never can. Life is never boring in my studio.

Our latest Netflix picks:  Moscow, Belgium for great acting although we thought the story could have had smoother transitions between scenes. Amazing how "real" the European actors and actresses look compared to our American movies where everyone is botoxed, buffed and siliconed to the nth degree. I gave it a 5-star rating, Susan gave it a 4-star. Side Effects seemed bland for the first half and then the story started twisting and turning and wound up being something definitely different from what we though it would be. Great acting, we both gave it 5 stars.


  1. Very unique! I love your clay work and would love to feature you at Ink & Alchemy. You can read the details on my website and submit the form if you're interested.

    Thanks so much!
    Robin Kalinich

  2. Cool Potato heads! I'll check out the Side Effects movie.

  3. I thought the potato heads were your test tiles. They would make a great installation.


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