Saturday, October 5, 2013

Strange Things Happen

No, it isn't a bat turd, it's a large object (about 4" in diameter) that arrived from Another Planet. I cleaned it up.

There are probably aliens inside it because I made sure it rattles when you shake it. If you want to be totally creeped out, pony up $1.99 here to watch The Twilight Zone's The Invaders episode, one of the best ever made. Or maybe you can find it free somewhere else. The amazing creative thing about it is that not one single word is said by the only person in the episode, Agnes Moorhead.  Contrast that with today's TV shows that have yelling actors and canned laugh-tracks.

It also might remind you of the cocoons from the movie Cocoon. Now that I live in a retirement community the movie seems even funnier. Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley and Hume Cronyn are perfect in it.

The latest give-away:

As for movies, our latest Netflix was Mud. A sort of predictable story line but the kid's acting was terrific. Both of us kept saying we recognized the voice but couldn't identify Sam Shepard until we saw the credits.  Still doesn't hold a candle to Beasts of the Southern Wild in creative storytelling. We also watched Heist with Gene Hackman and gave it 5 stars. The plot twists and turns about 10 different times with a improbable but fascinating story. Gene is perfect every single minute, right up to the very end.


  1. Cool alien rock! Loved that episode with Agnes Moorhead.!

  2. Funnily enough Cocoon was my daughter's favourite movie when she was just a little girl. The video was on her Christmas list and we got to watch it with her at least 10 times. She knew it word for word.

  3. That was my favorite episode too with the "spacemen". When my grandson saw it he said. "don't they mean astronauts grandma?" LOL!

  4. Oh I do love that rock. I can imagine a room-full. Get on that Don, okay?!?! :-)


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