Sunday, October 13, 2013

Widdle Birdies

It all starts with a ball of clay.

Then little birds take shape.

They look very calm and serene. But my Blog Wrangler isn't calm and serene today. First, Yahoo changed its mail format and she's going to have to waste her time (and mine) adjusting all the settings we both like. Second, Google changed its Home Page. Then Google told her she could adjust her Privacy settings so our/my pictures wouldn't be used for "sharing" in advertisements. But Google won't let her adjust the Privacy settings unless she signs up for Google+, which is the main "sharing" media. She is not happy about sharing unless it is her decision. This is not anything new. Her mother saved all her elementary school report cards and I know she did NOT get a Satisfactory in "Sharing".


  1. Love the birdies! I too am having issues with my blog code. Bah. All my links turned bright blue and I can't fix them....meh.

  2. Lovely birdies! Yea the tech giants want to us for their benefit....meh.

  3. I am with the wrangler on this one. But in the mean time, I will just sit back and admire those birds!

  4. I understand Susan's frustrations. I don't like change especially on my computer because it takes me so long to work things out. Indeed the birds do look calm and serene and i imagine it is therapeutic to make them.

  5. I am with your blog wrangler.. trying to avoid Google+... I love your clay birdies..


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