Friday, December 20, 2013

Yes, I'm Still Here

Here's the deal: We went to New York City and Washington DC for Thanksgiving (actually, we came home on Thanksgiving Day). It was a short 3 days in NYC (including travel), one day on Amtrak to DC (with a long nap when we arrived) and 4 days in DC. When we got home we took a lot more naps. The good news is we got to see a lot of good museum shows, the bad news is that we moved so fast we didn't take any time to visit with our good friends (you know who you are!) in NYC or DC.

But, as you can see from the picture above, I did visit with one of my favorites. Susan likes to catch photos of me pondering art (below is by Al Held, above by Modigliani).

So where has the blog been in the meantime? We came home to Susan having a sudden, earlier than planned, deadline of December 18 to have eight (8!) previously promised Toddler quilts made - all pieced, quilted, edges bound and finally photo-ed.  A Toddler quilt is one that is about 36-40 wide and about 45-50 inches long -- big enough to be a cover but not so big they trip on it when they drag it around. Sewing and nothing else, definitely not the blog, consumed her days while I did dishes and kept thread and pins picked up off the floor.

Below are the fronts and then the backs (you can  match them up because she scrambled the order!).  Sometimes when she is finished she likes the back better than the front. 


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