Sunday, January 12, 2014

Odd Ends

Sometimes I make really tiny birds. The bigger ones in the back were made by Debra Fritts, one of my very early instructors. She makes really interesting sculptures and she taught me a lot about letting your hands "listen" to the clay.

These guys are really interesting. They were a Christmas present from Susan -- a new pillowcase. How cool is that!??! Bet nobody else got a zombie pillowcase from their Bed Buddy.


  1. Neat flock of tiny birds! The ones in back look pretty cool too. What's that peeking out of the teeny owl? Love the zombies. :)

  2. No, but I did get shwe-shwe pillow cases from mine. You're zombie pillow case is much more fun!

  3. Love the idea of letting the clay do the talking!


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