Sunday, February 2, 2014

Weather Alert

More little birdies. I've been trying out different glazes and techniques.  The top two are raku, the bottom two are high-fire. The only one of the four I really like is the green one and even the glaze on that is spotty. But I like the wing pattern on him.

Today is the Super Bowl, the Puppy Bowl (on the Animal Planet channel) and the Kitten Bowl (on the Hallmark channel). I plan on trying to nap/doze through most of them. Everyone says the commercials are the main reason to watch the game but they are usually on the internet the next day so I can catch up then.

Just in case you are tired of our ugly winter weather - anyone talking about global warming lately? - I provide you with an all-purpose weather report. WARNING: Video contains offensive language. Don't watch it if you don't like offensive language.


  1. As a former resident of North Dakota I'd like to point out your exaggeration of their weather. There are four distinct seasons: early winter, winter, late winter, next winter.

  2. Ooh the birdies look cool to me. Especially like the top two! LOL Sounds about right for that area....ef'ing cold! Thanks for the chuckle.

  3. Love love the birdies. Can I have some for my DM collection?

  4. That video cracked me up. (I say this as I am wearing my fingerless gloves and a hat INSIDE as I am typing :)
    I love ALL of the birds. Funny, though... the green one is my least favourite :)


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