Monday, May 19, 2014

Jamie Fine and Lori Katz (DC, Part 2)

Both Jamie Fine and Lori Katz are ceramic artists who are so willing to share information about how they work that it is almost frightening. They are one of the reasons we always go back to the Torpedo Factory.  I didn't know which one to feature as the lead-in picture on this blog so my Blog Wrangler settled my dilemma by choosing a Selfie she made in the bathroom on our trip. She told me if I stared at it long enough the mirror fog would evaporate and she would be revealed in all her splendor, glory and hotel towel.

Above is a wall installation of Lori's tiles, set up at the Torpedo Factory where she has a space. Her website is here.
Below is Jamie Fine giving me an up-close-and-personal lesson in texture tool making. 
Not until I got home and checked her info on the internet did I find out she had studied with Ruth Duckworth, who is one of my favorite artists. We saw a show of her work in Chicago years ago and the book of her work from that show survived our downsizing and has a prominent place in my collection of artists' books.
I've watched Jamie's video several times now.
Usually we see Susan Finsen at the Torpedo Factory but this year we missed her. You'll have to settle for a shot taken through the window of her studio. I really like her idea of "pocket" paintings..
A fine finish to our day? Could you ask more than to have your name on a porta-potty?

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