Saturday, May 10, 2014

New York City, Part 5

We were at the MOMA for a day. The whole day? Just about. But with us "whole day" means starting at 10 a.m. and ending about 4 p.m. with at least two coffee breaks and lunch. After that, our feet and our eyeballs and our brain are fried.  Above is a piece by Mark Tobey that Susan has seen twice now (previously in November) and is totally enchanted by. Maybe it's the title: The Void Devouring the Gadget Era. It was done in 1942 but is probably more appropriate today.

Dave Walker cartoon

She also likes John Cage's Fontana Mix (?) but whatever...

We saw a cool Jasper Johns exhibit where I learned that he used Kurotani Kozo paper so I'm sure that if I used that kind of paper I would be asked to exhibit at the MOMA. We never know what to expect from the "smaller" exhibits but are always pleasantly surprised. Robert Heinecken had some Polaroid prints that he included with some "He said/She said" disjointed fictional dialogue, designed for Mature audiences only, but very creative.

The links above may disappear after the exhibit goes down but you can still do a search on the MOMA website. Unfortunately, sometimes their website is big on descriptions and sparse on works, even those in their own collection.

And of course, a Gauguin exhibit. Sometimes the big name exhibits are just too much to take in at once, sort of like eating too much dessert, but you have to do it because .... it's there! For you! And better than in every art book you've ever seen, but sometimes almost surreal compared to your memory of those art book images.

Making friends again, with Natasha at lunch (she's studying to be a massage therapist) and Allie in the bookstore (she's originally from California). We had also made friends with a Chinese woman with two children, waiting at the bus stop with us. She and Susan had a discussion about the best app to use to see when the next bus is coming, which was not going to be any time soon.

We've been asked why, if we consider ourselves Introverts, do we talk to strangers? Actually, we are Pseudo-Extroverts -- people who pretend to be Extroverts to prevent being labeled as an Introvert, with all the accompanying tsk-tsking that seems to evoke. Talking to strangers is much easier than talking to people who know you because you can literally walk away from the conversation (and friendship) within minutes. It does take practice. When we first started talking to strangers it was a horrific terrible pain to do but then it became a easier challenge and now it's almost like a joke - "Who will we meet today?"

Just to be sure you know it's always about Me, here's Vanton and another birdie.

Sometimes I help with the kiln loading and unloading. You can see some of my birds in with everyone else's works.

1 comment:

  1. mmmmm .... I love the Tobey piece too and the sight of a full kiln.


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