Friday, July 11, 2014

And Pods Again

Not sure how I'm going to glaze these.  Susan is beginning to mutter stuff about leaving them unglazed.

No, this isn't a pod. This is the lunch I ate at Crystal Bridges in Bentonville, Arkansas. It was the first time I ever had Fried Chicken and Waffles and you could walk on me with high-heel shoes and I'd still keep right on eating it. Wow! How did I ever miss this treat?  Arteries, prepare to abandon ship, cholesterol, just surrender now.  Here I come!

More on Crystal Bridges later. We were prepared to be disappointed but instead were surprised and absolutely delighted with the city. the state, and the museum.


  1. Mmmmm... I think I like the pods just as they are too.

  2. Cool pods! Left as is or glaze them.....hmmm? I think a glaze treatment to bring out the texture and shape would be neat. Love the chix and waffles pics. Have heard of this never tried it...AR here I come. :)


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