Thursday, August 21, 2014

Art Unraveled - Jane Davies' Class

In the morning the class was Layers and Textures and I just didn't get that. Once we got home and unpacked all our stuff I realized I had enjoyed the process but really didn't have any pieces I wanted to keep as examples or reminders or even just photograph.  In the afternoon the class was Teeny Tiny Art and we made lots of little pieces that were just 4" squares.  This class I got.

I'm all the way out to Phoenix in a class and wind up meeting another person from Austin. How does that happen?  Here is Jane Cobb's work:

Maybe this is Helen's work:
I think, but am not sure, but whatever, that this is my friend Marlene's work:

I take pictures and forget Susan's advice, which is to follow the picture of the work with a picture of the person's nametag. Or, when in a museum, the picture of the signage next to the artwork. So, Marlene, Helen and Jane, if I got it wrong, sorry. I'll try better next year.


  1. All of the pictured art is fabulous. Where's yours? Love the bracelets in the post earlier. Looks like you attended a indeedily art retreat with amazing classes.

  2. Hi Nan! Thanks for the compliment - the first two pieces (turquoise and rust) are mine. -- Don


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