Friday, August 1, 2014

Rain is GOOD

This is below one of the dams along the Colorado River that runs through Austin. We had some very heavy rain recently but as you can see it doesn't help very much with our long drought. But we'll take what we can get! The turtles are happy now.

People wonder what I do with my day when I'm not working with clay or at school, helping unload the kilns or in classes. I really hate to admit this but here where I live we often do jigsaw puzzles. Yes, just like really old people. Which we all are!  A few residents started doing puzzles in one of our lobby areas and Susan started going down there at night and working with them and sometimes now I join in too.  It's a visual challenge and a great way to socialize and catch up on the neighborhood gossip.

They have some rules about doing jigsaw puzzles: 
1000 pieces only --the table is too small for more than that
and 500 is too easy.
No egos. If you ask if a piece fits right and someone says NO,
get over it.
No eating or drinking at the puzzle table
(a hard-earned lesson).
If you manage to fit at least three pieces together
you can claim to be a Trained Professional.
And the rule they all enjoy:
Lots of trash-talking.
The lobby is on a direct access route out of the building so they see lots of people coming and going and get lots of advice and comments from everyone -- usually along the lines of "I can't believe you have been able to put that hard puzzle together!"  (Amateurs!)
They have posted a rule that says if you aren't there you might be talked about. I got hooked one night when I wandered down, only to find out the puzzle was (drum roll, please) ... beer bottles! Here's a picture of me with Virginia, one of my good friends and a definite Trained Puzzle Professional. And we've almost finished the puzzle.


1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of the puzzle table. And I've enjoyed looking at your work...inspiring.


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