Sunday, March 22, 2015


This is Martha, named after a character on the only tv show we watch (other than the pathetic nightly news), The Americans (on FX). We LOVE that show. But if you haven't been watching it regularly, it might be difficult to follow what's going on and why.  We sometimes go to websites that summarize the episodes just to make sure we got the storyline right.  This is Season 3 and Season 1 and 2 are on DVD.  Just before this season started we borrowed the DVDs from the library so as to refresh our memory and review some of the convoluted plots. But the library had set up each season on 4 DVDs (8 total) and we could only check out 2 at a time. In the end we were watching the last few episodes of Season 2 while we were also watching the first few episodes live for Season 3. Yeah, I'm confused too.

Seth of the famous Altered Page wants me to FB my traveling train children. Seth, don't kill the messenger but Susan, my current Blog Wrangler who is hopelessly behind in blogging for me, wants to tell you .... well, it wasn't very nice and is probably physically impossible. So definitely she's not getting me on FB.

We did make it to New York City last fall and to the Matisse exhibit. Here's a tip: When the museum opens, head straight to the special exhibit and fast pace it right to the back/end of the exhibit.  No one will be there! Then you can slowly work your way backwards to the front and probably not run into a big clump of viewers because by the time you get back to them trotting obediently through the exhibit they will be spread out. Which is how we got to the room shown above with absolutely no one else in the room for at least 5 minutes.

We also saw a Gober exhibit.  Nope, do NOT get it. No. Not at all.

Gober made Susan very crabby but we resurrected the day by seeing her favorite, Cy Twombly, at the Morgan Library. Probably a lot of people don't get him. Such is life.


  1. Well, I'm just glad that that dude wasn't me :)
    Last weekend we went to the Basquiat exhibition here in Toronto. Ray was hesitant ( " I don't think that I'll like it..."). but HE ended up buying the hardcover exhibition catalogue and postcards and taking more Basquiat books out of the library. And he loved the movie ( with David Bowie as Andy Warhol) .
    I wish that I could see that Matisse exhibit! I love Matisse. Ray's never been to NYC.... maybe a trip is due soon...

  2. Hey Don...please tell the wrangler that I didn't want YOU to start a FB page. Rather, I wanted the sweater children to start their own :-)


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