Saturday, April 11, 2015

Not Pine Cones

They really aren't supposed to look like pine cones. Or even like elaborate hand grenades. They are supposed to be.... never mind.  Anyway, I was experimenting with glazes that puddle and run and change effects on edges.  More to come eventually.

I've been asked, "What do you do with your spare time now that you're retired?"

Excuse me while I laugh myself into a fit. WHAT spare time? If it's not ceramics, it's eating. Or working out. Or, as often as possible, a nap.  And then....
(Susan thinks the only way this is accurate is if my eyes are closed.) 


  1. No question is more annoying to me than that one! What do I do? What if I want to say NOTHING! I do NOTHING. I did so much for so long. I am tired now. Leave me alone. That is what I want to say but I only say "I make art. All the time. That is what I do." Then they say "Oh you should sell it blah blah blah." No I make it for myself, thank you. Selling is a job after all and I want none of that! LOL!

  2. Loving the picture of you on the beach. Looks like you are having a blast :-)

  3. Have a blast on the beach! Really like end results of your experiments. Pinecones or not, they're cool.


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