Thursday, April 30, 2015

Past History: Crystal Bridges

First, I need to make sure you know it's always all about Me.  When I leave your enjoyable companionship I want to know that you'll be thinking of me. Because I will be thinking of me, too! But enough about Me, how about taking a look at Spiderman? He's only about 4 inches high and was supposed to be just a test shape for a runny glaze.  I don't know if I'll ever be able to duplicate the glaze effect but I'm getting sort of attached to him.

In the past: Crystal Bridges.
It's a long day's drive away but the drive isn't too bad once we clear Dallas and get off IH35. The museum is small and do-able in a day and the town is small and nice and clean and the people are friendly and the exhibits are good. Past History? We were there in January. My Blog Wrangler doesn't want to discuss the delay. Moving on....

Zoe Charlton.
What's not to like about an artist who paints a man with ponies and a forest coming out of his butt?

James Lavadour.
His work was great but I'm not sure I can trust a guy who gets up at 3:00 (THREE) a.m. every day to paint.

The show was State of the Art: Discovering American Art Now and it featured 100 artists, none of them had previously been nationally recognized.  The curators made great choices as we liked at least 80% of what we saw.  Lots of interesting stuff on the link above (scroll down).

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