Saturday, June 13, 2015

Another Anniversary

Once we were very, very young and married less than one year.  Now we are very, very definitely not young. But still married.  I added this frame to the picture for Susan's card. She was absolutely stunned, not that I had saved the picture all this time but that I had figured out how to make a color copy ALL BY MYSELF on our printer. Miracles never cease. Like our marriage!

If you go to iTunes and search for "Lucky" by Jason Mraz, with Colbie Caillet, you can play a little of a song that explains how we've managed to stay together all these years.

School is out and I'm starting to drive her crazy because I'm home all day but hey, that's the way I roll.  These are probably the last of the penguins because I'm moving on to new things and the penguins have had their day in the sun.


  1. Sweet picture (and cool frame). Congrats on a life lived together!!

  2. I think the line from the Grateful Dead song Truckin' "What a long strange trip it's been" fits my partnership!

  3. Congratulations to you and Susan :) I have that Jason Mraz album with Lucky on it (We sing. We dance. We steal things. I'm off to play it now....


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