Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Oh yeah, I'm an experienced ceramic artist.  See this little guy?  No, he's not supposed to have his arms sitting in his lap.  The wire and red balls were Susan's idea on how to try to put lipstick on the pig and maybe distract you from his anatomical strangeness.  The picture below shows what he was supposed to look like, glazed but not yet fired, with arms that would be on a stiff wire through his body, arms that could swing in place. The wood skewer in the picture below is just holding the arms in place temporarily so I could take a picture before firing the piece.

So, your experienced ceramic artist carefully glazed him and took him to school and put him in the kiln.  When he did that, experienced ceramic artist that he is, he carefully laid the arms on the guy's lap so they wouldn't get separated when the kiln was unloaded. Of course, once the piece was fired the arms fused to the guy's lap. Duh.

I've been doing ceramics for about 8 years now so Susan was quite sympathetic about this situation, beginning with "You've got to be kidding me" and then transitioning to "You fool!" followed by some statements appropriate only for Mature Audiences.  I started to toss him in the trash can but she made me put him on the shelf above my worktable as a reminder to Pay Attention To Details. Actually, now we've both grown sort of fond of him.

Sometimes I draw, sort of in a Zentangle-like style.

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