Friday, March 27, 2009

Falling Leaves

I know you people up North will find this hard to believe but here in Texas we get to rake leaves TWICE every year. This picture was taken yesterday, not last fall when the other trees dropped their leaves. Our live oak trees like to drop their leaves in the spring which means Susan grits her teeth for at least a week straight while everyone and their brother uses those damned piercing-whine power blowers to move their leaves around. She hates the noise they make and is quite, quite, very quite ... cranky while it is going on all over the neighborhood. We use an old fashioned springy rake: Screech, screech, screech as we rake leaves.

The picture above was taken with Susan's new camera. We are sort of at a dead-lock on that new blogging book she gave me. I've offered to learn all about how to use her new camera in exchange for her doing all the photo work (Photoshop Elements 2.0) and blogging for me. I'm just pretending The Book hasn't been sitting there on the table, untouched. She's just pretending I'm going to start getting on the computer once in a while. And she's starting to talk about a new version of Elements. In the meantime, she fiddled with the color on the picture.

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