Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fishing and Forget It

These were welded out of old scraps of steel that students threw out. I rescued them and used a laser cut and a Mig welder to make them into fish. They used to be welded to stakes and stuck in our yard but we decided to have them swim along the side of our garage. The big guy is about 2 feet long.

These chairs were priced at $100 for the four of them at a garage sale Susan went to. She was very tempted but even though it was the 2nd day of the sale the owner wouldn't even discuss a lower price. To be honest, her top offer would have been $40 despite the fact she was already envisioning them in our backyard woods. The owner said "We can get $100 for them, all they need is to have the rust removed and they'll look fine."

What!?!? Remove rust?!?!? We PAY for rust!


  1. Hi - I've come by way of a very funny comment Susan made about trades at art retreats that my friend passed along. Just wanted to say you and Susan have wonderful senses of humor, and what a great blog! I really like your little dudes, especially Peevay, and it's great to hear you talk about what other art inspires you. Thanks!

  2. but thats only $25 each And they have such lovely lines...

    reminds me of one of my shopping regrets. picture it: auction in Vermont ca. 1969. ice cream parlor type table and 4 chairs - the kind with the sort of twisted iron backs. copper. maybe the table was even marble topped. I think the set went for $100 but i had a)no home and b)no visible means of transport.

    why is it that sort of memory is so vivid and i can't recall anything from most of four years at college?...

    m (aka j)


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