Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Washington DC - Another Graffiti Guy!

April 2009, Washington, DC

Does this guy look familiar? Did Susan get yelled at twice by cars full of people while she was standing in the middle of the street taking this picture? Did I ignore her when she said "Don't let anyone hit me!" when she ran out into the street? [Like I was going to throw my body in front of the cars? Not a chance. I believe in Equal Opportunity near-death experiences and it was her turn.] This picture was taken on 17h Street, at the north corner of the Corcoran Gallery, right across the street from The White House.

In case you forgot, here are the pictures from April 2008 and April 2009, on 53rd street in front of the American Folk Art Museum.

April 2008 <------------------> April 2009 (New York City)

Anybody else find the Graffiti Guy on their streets?

Taken inside the National Portrait Gallery

We left Washington DC, to head down to Hampton, Virginia, for Art and Soul. No pictures from that, we were both too busy to bother. When we left there we had to do a lot of zig-zagging to avoid nasty weather so we were really tired when we got home. After 23 days on the road and being together 24 hours a day, we were still talking to each other. Barely. I missed my naps. Susan missed her pillow. Home, sweet home.

1 comment:

  1. I'll keep an eye out for the grafitti guy BUT I'm not willing to sacrafice myself to capture an image -- I have to draw the line there.


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