Monday, June 15, 2009

Washington DC - Overdose on Eye Candy

John Currin's The Pink Tree, Ron Mueck's Big Man

This photo was taken inside the Hirshhorn and Susan waited about 5 minutes for people to stop walking in front of her so she could get this shot. We loved the juxtaposition.

Actually, it's probably me in the corner there, pondering (and being fully flummoxed) how we actually have managed to stay married for 42 years. The easy answer is:

You just get lucky and pick the person who winds up making you a better human being. And poverty, as Susan would say, reminding me of the time we were living in California and she tried to leave me but she/we didn't have enough money for her to buy a bus ticket back to Texas.

Ritual Wine Container, 10th Century B.C., Sackler Gallery

Fill this guy up with some zinfandel (or a riojas) for me. How cool will it be to pour your wine out of his head?

This is a picture outside a exhibit that we did not see.

This is the city where the National Spelling Bee is held. Good choice?

What did we manage to see in under 4 days in April in Washington DC? Antonio Ole's work at the African American Museum, Louise Bourgeoise's art at the Hirshhorn, Phillip Guston's paintings and Robert Frank's photography at the National Gallery, stained glass at the Renwick, Anish Kapoor's sculpture at the Sackler Gallery, and New Deal Artists at the American Art Musuem. Also, Maya Lin at the Corcoran, the Smithsonian Craft Show at the Building Museum and the Vietnam Veterans Wall.

This is sort of how we felt by the end of the stay.

Actor in a Ruff, Jean Dubuffet, National Gallery of Art


  1. that ritual wine container blows my mind. looks totally modern. fascinating.

  2. Pondering too much porcupine cake....


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