Saturday, June 13, 2009

Washington DC - A Sad Reflection

We were getting our pictures read for our next few posts, pictures taken in Washington, DC, when we heard sad news. Once again. People shot because someone had a gun, an opinion, hatred, and no conscience.

We'd never seen ruffled tulips before. From the number of tourists taking pictures of these flowers (in April) I would guess we weren't the only ones. They were planted in flower beds right outside the Smithsonian Castle.

On Wednesday the tourists saw police, felt a lurch of fear, heard sirens and never even saw the beautiful gardens of the Smithsonian.

1 comment:

  1. The next day I was taking a class of students to the National Portrait Gallery. We met at the Metro Station in Silver Spring to travel there together. I found one student on her phone saying that she was talking with her mother in Nigeria. the mother had heard about the museum guard being murdered in the Holocaust Museum and was afraid for her daughter. We reassured her that all was well.


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