Monday, December 21, 2009


We celebrated the holiday season early with Susan's sister, Linda, and her husband, C.A, and exchanged gifts. Frosty was one of my gifts to Linda. He stands just about 5" tall. A few months ago Linda saw a picture I had saved of a baby penguin and remarked that he would make a great ceramic piece. So I gave it a try, was pretty pleased with my effort and she was happy to take him home with her.

If you live on the east coast and are shivering under all that load of snow you received, just remember that Frosty is thinking of you.


  1. I am so proud to be the lucky recipient of this fellow! Your little man has earned a place next to Zee Bunny on the mantle. I studied him and gave him lots of thought and have decided to name him Milo. I have no idea why, but it seemed to fit the little guy just right. He has so much character!! Thanks again for your wonderful creativity and a truly great Christmas gift! Love ya, Linda/Gigi


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