Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What's What

What will be for dinner on December 24th: Gumbo with extra shrimp and sausage, served over rice, Chocolate Lava Cakes, Champagne.

What I'll watch again, amazed by the stunning cinematography: Mongol.

What I'm reading: The King of Lies by John Hart.(I also thought his The Last Child and Down River were great).

What is a new bad habit: Ginger Chocolate bars.

What I'm drinking too often: Bacardi Limon.
In my defense, truth-in-labeling reveals this important nutritional information about each drink I sip:
Fat -- 0g
Cholesterol -- 0mg
The Protein data (0g) can be ignored, as I'll get all the protein I need from the smoked almonds I munch as I sip.

What I'm working on: A new Big Head

What I would like for all of us to have this holiday season: Peace on Earth. On second thought, that sounds sort of hokey, like what beauty contestants always say they want. So I'll just lower my expectations to: Bring home all the men and women serving in our armed forces. Alive.

Happy Holiday wishes to all of you, everywhere, connected to me as if by magic.


  1. Happy Holidays to you both. Enjoy your Champers and gumbo. We are dining on Australian Lamb and accompanied by a lovely Sparkling Shiraz (aussie of course!)in the company of our Military son and his wife. Feeding him up well before he heads back to Afghanistan in Jan.

  2. Gumbo with extra shrimp and sausage, chocolate lava cake and champagne? What time should I arrive? *smiles*

    Merry Christmas to you and Susan!

  3. A lovely post.
    Season's Greetings. May your wish come true.

  4. Champers and glazed gammon tonight, on the eve of christmas.
    Happy christmas to you both and may your wishes come true.
    (Love the red head!)

  5. Happy holidays to both you and Susan. Loving the big head!!


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