Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Make No Stray Marks

Keith LoBue is one of my favorite artists (a sample of his work below) and he's also a fantastic teacher.

As you can see, he doesn't have to worry about having a Bad Hair Day. What doesn't show here is the tattoo he has on the back of his head: 
UK Patent Pending

As soon as the rest of my hair disappears (sooner than I'd like) I plan to have this tattooed on the back of my head:

(seen on a crate at the Museum of Arts and Design)


  1. Keith totally rocks! I didn't know about the tattoo, though- what is it? i like your tattoo, by the way.

  2. Uh- I meant your tattoo idea, or course!

  3. Love the post and the outstanding tattoo idea, Dave! However, you got my tattoo wrong - it says:

    Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.

    I got it (on the back of my head) about 8 years ago, soon after moving to Australia. I sent around an image of it to several good friends, and got a priceless reply: "I think it should have read 'Contents may have settled during shipping.' Thanks, mate.

  4. Always a joy to see Keith's work. Your tattoo idea? .... what does Susan think?

  5. A much better choice than "Remove Before Flight"


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