Sunday, November 7, 2010

Museum of Arts and Design

Our first day in New York City always starts with a visit to the Museum of Arts and Design. How simple can a teapot be? This simple.   The pattern on this plate had me rethinking my use of color in my glazes.

The museum is right on Columbus Circle and as you move from floor to floor you can catch a glimpse of the city through their protective screens.

This trip to the museum revealed a new surprise for us. Susan noticed a man opening the drawers below the jewelry display cases and immediately had me opening every one of them to see the jewelry stored there. We'd never known you could do that and had never seen else anyone doing it; it was a lucky find and I got some good reference pictures.

This artist's work was interesting and we were amused at the bottom item in the first series - those are actually bugs on the brooch. And we used to have a VW.  Here is the text for her work:

"Helena Biermann Angel
Hit the Road Series I (3 pieces) is a set of brooches that encapsulate particles collected in devices attached to the artist's car during various journeys. In Hit the Road Series II, she attached the brooches directly to the car's tailpipe, the emissions affected the surface patterns; just as pollution changes the environment. All of these works are records in tribute to the imperceptible elements which affect our transit through life."

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy your trips. What a great discovery. Who would have thought to open the drawers.


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