Monday, December 6, 2010

Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth

We left town for the Thanksgiving holidays. Our travel began with a long drive to Fort Worth, testing the back roads which added an hour to our drive time but reduced the traffic by about 80% and nearly eliminated all the 18-wheelers.

The Modern Art Museum is relatively small and in our minds that means we can slowly walk through the whole thing in under 2 hours. Or more, depending on the exhibits. This year the feature was Vernon Fisher and the exhibit was great but the signage was lousy. We like to read about the works shown and get more information about the purpose and focus of the exhibit.  Susan went down to the bookstore to look at the book featured for the exhibit and discovered the reason for the poor signs was that the guy didn't talk much about his stuff. Sort of "here it is, take it as it is." Okay by me.

Their permanent collection is full of familiar favorites displayed with a lot of space for looking.

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