Wednesday, December 8, 2010

More Of The Modern Art Museum

The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth is a beautiful museum and it has a secret stairway. In the picture above there is a stairway from the second floor to the first that takes you along the north side (side facing the hill in this shot) of the building beside the water.  The next two shots show the stairway. If you ever go to the museum here's how to find it: Go to the elevator on the second floor, far north west corner. Walk behind the cement wall to the left of the elevator, as though you were looking for a janitor's closet. You'll be in a narrow hallway, go down that hall and turn right (behind the elevator shaft) and there are the magic stairs.

It was cold the day we were there so we didn't sit outside. We love the look of these chairs.

And, faithful Blog Readers, in response to some queries, Yes, I have been working with clay. The proof is below. There has not been much to show you lately as I have been working on some pieces that are not for "public consumption" yet. Stay tuned.


  1. Pleased to see your new work. I'm in the same situation, not having much to show.

  2. Now that is a cool work in progress!


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