Thursday, March 3, 2011

Going My Way and James Tisdale

This is what is on the wall in front of me as I work in my garage ("The South Studio"). If you can't read the quote, here it is:

All that restraint he showed on other
 pieces came out in a big creative fart
 that he couldn't hold in any longer.

These are some of the mark-making tools I use. I've raided Susan's button drawer and glued some stuff onto corks to make stamps.

This is some work by James Tisdale, the first ceramics artist I took a class from. He continues to amaze me with his creativity and he's always patient when I ask questions, even though I'm not in his class.


  1. love that view
    of the work space
    and tools.
    & the quote.

  2. Lol .... enjoyed the quote.
    I didn't know you had taken classes with James Tisdale but your earlier work often reminded me of his work.

  3. Love your shelves...and that quote!


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