Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

Susan speaks:
This little guy was taking a sunbath today on the edge of my spraypaint table out on our deck. It's continuing to be in the 70s and sunny every afternoon so lizards/chameleons/geckos are showing up everywhere. The gunk on the table is overspray from the online stencil class I took over a year ago.

The first project was to make a portfolio for your work. I used some old corrugated cardboard, sprayed the living daylights out of my stuff and then duct taped the front and back together along one side. If I had been energetic I would have made some sort of tie for it but I do have my limits. Photos below show the front, back and insides.

Both Petya and Inessa were given the same spraypaint stencil treatment.

Today Don comes back from 5 days of jewelry-making classes at AdornMe in Houston. Most of his classes are Process oriented, not Product, but he should have some pictures of some stuff to post soon ("soon" depends on me, of course).

What did I do while he was gone? Well, I got up in the morning and had nothing to do and by the time I went to bed I had done half of it.


  1. Striking design and colours. I was just beginning to think we don't see enough of your work Susan so I'm happy to see your stencil portfolio. I hope you are up to posting Don's new pictures :-) soon.

  2. Pretty fancy for a portfolio; I'm thinking it's a piece of art all on its own! The stencils are great! I love what you said about getting up with nothing to do and doing half of it... may I borrow that sometime?

  3. Love these portfolio covers! Great design.
    Thank you so much for leaving such a nice comment (about me) over on Seth Apter's blog. That was so sweet :)


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