Thursday, May 5, 2011

Karyn Debrasky, Barbara Sebastian and Heather Allen-Swarttouw

I wouldn't want you to think Washington DC is a stuffy town. This is a wall we spotted just about 2 blocks from the White House. It is the alley where the dumpsters are stored but give them credit - it's art.

After a day of walking and talking to artists at the Smithsonian Craft show, we decamped to Ella's Wood Fired Pizza place. My contentment shown here probably has more to do with fact that I'm finally sitting down rather than the beer I was drinking.

Karyn Debrasky had quiet, detailed work that intrigued us. Susan was fascinated with the fact that she "stitched" wire through some of her paper works without creasing or bending the paper and with the detail of her quilling (whatever that is). She had some of her work used for background in the movie How Do You Know, which I never saw but it has Reese Witherspoon in it and I thought she was great in Walk The Line. Go here to see more of Karyn's work.

Barbara Sebastian took the time to tell me how she created her bird teapots and also gave me advice about making lids for small jars. She does a lot of large wall pieces but she also makes beautiful small pieces. She was just another one of many artists who were enthusiastic about their art and just as enthusiastic about talking to you about your efforts.

Heather Allen-Swarttouw had interesting wall tiles that were layed with different glaze treatments and she also had some fiber art. I had seen images of her work before from Novie Trump's blog and found them just as interesting in person. The small boats were made with hog gut. Yes, that's right, hog gut that her butcher cleans for her. Fascinating work. Hers, not the butcher.

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