Saturday, August 6, 2011

Little Packages

I made these ceramic packages for Susan for her birthday.  They are the size that fits right in your hand. She told me this was the kind of stuff that I needed to start making for my Etsy site (which sits empty). Because she would have to do all the work, I'm holding off on that thought for now.


  1. Yes, these would be great on Etsy. I love bundles.

  2. LOVE your little packages!! Happy Birthday to Susan.

  3. Really amazing pieces. Anybody and everybody would love to get one of these packages. I second what Susan said about Etsy and send happy birthday wishes to her too.

  4. what they said.
    these are magical and
    just the sort of thing that
    ANYONE would want.
    gee, and my birthday is, um....

    did you see the articles about the end of the mcQueen show? four hours lines just to get into the museum. and then lines to get to the lines that lead to the lines for the show.

    glad i went often and early.

  5. And yes! you should put these in your Etsy shop. Soooooo charming.


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