Thursday, August 4, 2011

Moo Cards

These are some of my latest Moo cards. What? Moo cards are little cards that are half as wide as a business card. Your text (up to 6 lines) goes on the back and the front becomes your gallery. The best thing about Moo cards is that you can order 100 cards and get them back with 100 different images on them. We only take the time to upload about 25-35 images so I get several of each image.  The cards are so narrow you have to crop your images but they make it easy by providing you with a little sliding box to position over your images you've uploaded (no need to crop ahead of uploading).

The next best thing about Moo cards is that they are fast. In fact, Moo used to available only from England and the cards still came in less than 2 weeks. Cost with shipping? About $25 for 100. I think my Moo cards are great. If you see me, ask me for one.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, your moo cards are really wonderful!It would be hard to choose.


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