Sunday, November 20, 2011


Say hello to Blippa, another one of my Little Dudes.

Enough about my art. When we were in New York City we were hit with that huge snowstorm. This shot is inside the Metropolitan Museum, looking up in the atrium where the Robert Lehman collection is.

Another favorite is the Museum of Artsand Design. It used to be the American Craft Museum but ... let's just leave it at this: I craft art.

This piece, Intrinsecus, by Jennifer Trask, was fascinating and even more so when I finally took the time to read the documentation. Maybe you can read some of it if you click on the photo below. Got to start collecting more bones!

A beautiful basket by Lillian Elliott, displayed in front of a window looking out over Columbus Circle.

It wasn't all art. We walked to Bryant Park, watched a performance by synchronized skaters doing a dance thing at the ice rink, watched protestors at nearby bank, browsed at Kinokuyina, a Japanese bookstore (the art supplies are in the basement) and people-watched from the generous collection of chairs in the park while having a coffee break. The obligatory cup of coffee was purchased at Le Pain Quotidien where Susan spotted their Belgian Brownie and insisted on it. The clerk asked, "Just one?" and we said yes, we'd share. She asked, "Are you sure?" Yes, it was a really large brownie.

And oh boy, was it ever good and I'm not even that much of a chocolate fan. While she was eating the first one Susan was moaning so much ("Oh, yum. Good! Sooo good!") I looked around to be sure no one thought I was misbehaving. Fifteen minutes later we were back inside, asking for two more to take back to our hotel for our late night snack. The clerk just laughed at us and gave them to us as a freebie. Thanks, Chris, you helped confirm our belief that some of the friendliest people around are New Yorkers!


  1. Hello Blippa!
    Love the basket and happy you got two freebies. I always enjoy these trips of yours.

  2. Welcome, Blippa :) Your big brother is madly waving from Canada. he has been a weather good luck charm. no sign of snow yet. Yay!

  3. Blippa is quite Hippa! And you made some great stops in NYC. I saw Trask's work at MAD and at another show earlier in the year. Pretty impressive. And these word verifications on your site are too much tonight...this one is prosper!


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