Friday, November 18, 2011

I Did It!

I have replied back to over two months of various comments and emails. True, I didn't have much to say but then if you get to know me better you'll find out that I don't usually say much anyway. I'd like to think I'm "pithy" but maybe not! Anyway, if I missed you it's because 1) your comment reply address was blocked or 2) I accidentally deleted your email. Sometimes I get confused with all my choices and accidentally delete something I should keep -- It's accidental, honest!

I also looked at a lot of blogs that I've been ignoring lately. You people are really productive and creative! I'm appropriately humbled.

I promise to be a better person in the future.

Susan speaks: That probably means he'll take one month to reply. But trust me, he does appreciate your comments - every day he asks me "Did anyone comment? What did they say?" and every day I say "Read your own damn mail." It never ends.


  1. Ha! We're a sort of online tribe, I think. And we need to touch base on a pretty regular basis-those of us out yonder making things. I really like your sculpture. Cheers!

  2. your visits, comments and replies are always welcome.

    your work is wonderful.

    ps: you don't HAVE to respond to this comment, but do come back any time to visit, i promise, i'll do the same.

  3. I'm getting just as bad Don. I haven't done any blog browsing in MONTHS! Just started tonight and ended up here :) Tell Susan I said "hello"

  4. I don't visit your blog expecting replies but I'm always happy to receive a few lines from you both every now and then..... especially when I need a few polite words of encouragement from Susan ;-)

  5. I don't expect replies either :). I just leave comments because I like to hear myself talk... And think....


Thank you for commenting. Please be aware that I'm lousy at responding to comments so don't take it personally. Any responses to your comment will be in an email, not in a Reply Comment, so if your email address is blocked you won't get a response. Comments on older posts are moderated so your comment there might not show up right away.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.