Sunday, February 12, 2012

Baby, Baby, Baby

Looking at these past few pieces you would probably think I was pregnant. Nope. Not a chance. Not unless pigs fly. I have no freakin' idea why I've done baby bumps and babies. (Piece shown above is unfired.) I'm desperately try to get my head in a different place and I think it's going to be ... boats.  Below is a copper one I made years ago, when I was doing metal stuff.

 Now I think I want to try ceramic boats. We'll see.  When I first started in ceramics many years back I took two workshops from Debra Fritts - a great instruction and motivator.  She traded me some small ceramic birds for one of my copper boats. The piece she made (image below) was called "Tall Tales" -- what a creative use of a boat! I am humbled.


  1. SO glad you clarified
    about not being pregnant.
    SO. GLAD.


  2. I'm picturing you being pregnant, heheheh.
    Love your copper boat. Kind of looks phallic in that side view though ;)


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