Sunday, February 19, 2012

Map of Don's World

Susan has a blog named MapOfMyWorld that she rarely updates anymore. So I stole her title and now it's mine! After all, Texas IS a community property state. If you've been following me since the beginning, you know that I used to make metal art and I now make jewelry art and ceramic sculptures. Add another item on to my Bucket List: I make maps.

We both love to read books and look at art books but I'm a pokey reader due to dyslexia. AudibleBooks to the rescue! The problem is that when I'm listening to a really good book I can't be doing something that requires a lot of thought and attention or I will lose track of the story. But I don't like to just be sitting there idle. Susan taught me a little bit of Zentangle so I started doing that while I listened to the books. Eventually we figured out a way to help me branch out into my own style of map-making.

A good book on making maps:  Jill Berry's Personal Geographies.

A good book to listen to:  Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.


  1. I LOVE MAPS! Yours are fabulous, Don! I'm just beginning a mapping unit at school. we'll start with a map of our carpet, then map our desks, then their rooms at home, then the school, then our neighborhood......
    have you seen the book called The Map as Art by Katherine Harmon???? subtitled: Contmporary Artists Explore Cartography. Ray got it for me for Christmas -- he saw me lusting over it in a bookstore. it's a good 'un. Take it out of the library :) or buy it....

  2. Interesting that you create intriguing maps while listening to audio books. A bit like doodling in the phone book while on the phone..... except you don't get into trouble drawing your maps.

  3. What navigator doesn't love maps! Great job.


  4. love the maps.
    i'm reading cutting for stone at the moment - slowly to savor it. the language is simply gorgeous.

  5. I love these maps...and all of your work. So happy to make your acquaintance via Seth and your great book!

  6. Hi. I had to come back here for more juicy goodness.

    Here's the deal: I love these maps. LUV. I have Jill's book and I started making my own maps. I started doing maps of internal organs and then it became very challenging.

    for one thing, I was working from the Operation game, which had NO detail whatever.

    I suppose this is where imagination comes in. Your maps are food for the imagination.


  7. Hi. I had to come back here for more juicy goodness.

    Here's the deal: I love these maps. LUV. I have Jill's book and I started making my own maps. I started doing maps of internal organs and then it became very challenging.

    for one thing, I was working from the Operation game, which had NO detail whatever.

    I suppose this is where imagination comes in. Your maps are food for the imagination.



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