Monday, February 27, 2012

More Maps

I make maps while I listen to my audio books. Right now I'm getting ready to start The Night Circus. But in the meantime we've been catching up on our Netflix.  Here are some 5-star recommendations:
Margin Call
Ides of March (very eerie at this point in our election cycle)

More recommendations:
At Close Range (if you are a photographer you'll love this one)

The Tunnel
(we thought this would be too long but it totally held our attention)


  1. I like these maps even more than the last ones.

  2. Love the maps a lot, Don!
    night Circus was great. I haven't seen these films, I'm so behind.....
    Hi to Susan!

  3. Absolutely love your "dudes". I was introduced to them, yesterday on Seth Apter's blog. Your maps are wonderful, as well! Very excited to see your contributions to Seth's book. Best wishes from another art "dude"!


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